Day 2:
Yesterday, the 10 cigarette limit pretty much went out the window. I don't think I smoked a full pack, but it was close. We'll see how I do today.
Camel has these things on the market called Snus. They are like little tobacco pouches. Unlike chewing tobacco, you don't have to spit. They are pretty mild. They don't taste as bad as chewing tobacco. However, they are still tobacco and can cause all the same problems that chewing tobacco can.
When I quit in 1994, I used chewing tobacco as a substitute. It was actually pretty effective for me. I only used it for about a month or so. It was so disgusting that I quit that pretty quick. I'm hoping the Snus will help me kick the smokes.
I may make an appointment with my doctor to discuss other possible options. I've heard Chantix is quite effective. The problem with Chantix are the potential side effects. The side effect I am most concerned with is sleep disturbance. I already have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. I really do not need more trouble with that.
Another reason I need to see the doctor is to have a general physical and check-up. If I am going to begin any kind of exercise program, I want to be sure I don't end up giving myself a heart-attack or something. I have three months to prepare for the exercise. I won't be starting that until I've been off smoking long enough for my lungs to heal up a bit.
I normally would not bother seeing a doctor to determine what kind of exercise I can handle, but, once again, I am turning 40. steps. I'm going to stick to my 10 cigarette limit today. I will literally have to take it minute by minute. But I can do it.
Just a comment about your thoughts on Snus. First I would never recommend using Camel snus. Yes that may carry the same health risks as chew. I use Swedish Snus which I buy online. It actually does not have the same health risks associated with American Chewing tobacco. I used it to quit smoking and I have not had a cigarette in over a year. I would take a look at this information if you want to know the truth about Swedish Snus.
I use to purchase the snus.
If you want to use snus to kick the cigarette habit do yourself a favor and get the real thing instead of using American Camel snus.
Camel is overly sweet and lacking in the nicotine department so you are limiting your chances of success.
I smoked for 38 years and have been smokefree for over a year using Swedish snus.
There are plenty of webshops to choose from:
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